
Friday 1 January 2016

IAST #125/ Meet Arthur

It's a new year (how original to say that!). The busy-ness of December is finally over and I can slow down. That means getting back to drawing regularly and participating in online challenges.

This week's IAST uses string 125 and the Tangles Bubbles, Sprocket and Tipple. Tipple is the only one I've used before.

Here are my two attempts.

Meet the newest member of the L family

Yesterday was New Year's eve. I celebrated by getting us a kitten. 

The kitten is called Arthur. We got him from the RSPCA which is our local animal welfare and rescue organisation. We wanted a calm kitten who likes a cuddle yet who will be active and play. I think we succeeded. Arthur is sitting on my lap as I type this and has finally stopped trying to play with my hands or get both hands patting him - for now. 

Here's a couple of photos.

We named him Arthur after the character Arthur Weasley in the Harry Potter novels. Our older cat is Luna (Lovegood) while the recently deceased cat was Dobby (the house elf). Arthur doesn't have red hair like the Weasley family in the novels because Dobby was a ginger and we couldn't bear to be reminded of him with another ginger cat, plus it would be disrespectful to his memory.

If I ruled the world, I would live in a zoo and make pets of all the animals. Luckily for the animals and the world that I don't rule it. I'll make do with my two cats, one dog, several tropical fish, frogs in the pond and by admiring animals in their natural environments.

Happy New Year to all. Best wishes, best health.

Miss L

1 comment:

Quinn said...

Oh goodness, he's too cute for words and I love his name! Happy new year and keep tangling :)